I Food Designer

Home Clients I Food Designer / from 2020 to today

A team of 5 experts with different backgrounds working together since 2006, who “invented” Food Design. Paolo Barichella, material theorist and reference leader in this sector, Mauro Olivieri who deals with the design, visual design, communication, interior design, food design and is a scholar and designer of Territorial Systems Brand, Ilaria Legato who applies Food Design in the development of a place dedicated to hospitality and catering or a territorial project by strengthening all its identity aspects, Marco Pietrosante who deals with the design for the Food Industry and since 2013 business consultancy in the field of Strategic Design and Francesco Subioli who he alternates his professional activity with teaching and training in Italian and foreign universities, he creates food products and formats.

Thanks to them, in 2006 the Food Design specialization conquered its space within the prestigious Compasso d’Oro competition and officially entered ADI with a Thematic Commission to which the Food Designers belong, each with a specific role.

Food Lifestyle

01 March 2020

Client: I Food Designer
Date: March, 2020...